Tonbridge Design Awards 2024 - nominations please!

Design Awards

Your nominations are sought for the 2024 Tonbridge Civic Society design awards. Alongside the existing awards, we are introducing a new category this year - “Street Scene”. This is to celebrate work done that improves an area but is of a smaller scale than would be marked by the Design Award. Nominations are being sought in the categories:

Design Award - for any major construction or renovation which by its quality and design contributes aesthetically to the pleasure and amenity of the area. Commendations for projects deserving of recognition based on the same criteria.

Community Award - for either a permanent or temporary work by an individual or group of people that significantly contributes to the pleasure and amenity of an area.

Street Scene Award – for work that permanently enhances the character of an area. This could include landscaping and planting, a boundary wall, a shop front renovation, the restoration of a historic feature, an improvement to street furniture and many other things.

Nominations should be sent before the end of March via email to or in person to Tom or Mark. All nominations will be reviewed by the Awards sub-committee with presentations taking place during the Summer Tea Party event at Tonbridge School on July 27.


Avebury Avenue Planning Application


Civic Society Awards 2024